Dr. Jens Paschmann

Dr. Jens Paschmann

Assistant Professor of Marketing

University of Cologne

Psychologist|Marketing Scientist

My work helps firms understand human behavior in our technology-driven, digital world.
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  • New Technologies
  • Digital Customer Engagement
  • SDGs
  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Causal Inference
  • Machine Learning
  • PhD in Marketing, 2022

    University of Cologne

  • M. Sc. in Psychology, 2017

    University of Münster (WWU)

  • B. Sc. in Psychology, 2015

    University of Münster (WWU)

My fascination with psychology, cutting-edge technologies, and business has long sparked the question: How could these diverse interests coalesce into a single career? I chose to let my passions guide me, trusting the journey to unfold in its own time. Luckily, becoming a marketing scholar has given my interests a new home.

Employing a variety of quantitative methods, I study drivers of consumers’ engagement with new technologies as well as the consequences of this engagement for society, consumers and firms. Moreover, I study contemporary topics that aim to contribute to societal challenges, such as the attainment of SDGs. My research is located at the intersection of marketing, psychology, and computer science. I employ state-of-the-art research techniques for unstructured and structured big data analytics, such as mathematical modeling based on Bayesian statistics and machine learning. The question of how to establish causality accompanies me since my studies in psychology.

Produced by Scholz & Friends for the HORIZONT Award Ceremony

Research Interests

1 | New Technologies in Marketing
How do new technologies impact marketing? How can firms help customers overcome adoption barriers to new technologies? What are the consequences of customers’ engagement with new technologies? Has the proliferation of new technologies changed how consumers think and feel about their privacy? How can we help customers overcome privacy concerns when engaging with new technologies?
1 | New Technologies in Marketing
2 | Digital Customer Engagement
What drives lasting customer engagement in digital environments? What are engagement barriers between customers and new technologies?
2 | Digital Customer Engagement
3 | Contemporary Dynamics and Sustainable Development Goals
Society and businesses deal with a variety of contemporary challenges. How can consumers and businesses promote the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals? How does inflation shape consumer responses to marketing strategies?
3 | Contemporary Dynamics and Sustainable Development Goals

Research Projects

Quickly discover relevant content by filtering projects.
(2024). Consumer Reactions to Pricing Strategies in Times of Inflation. In Work in progress.

(2024). Managing Competition in Online Communities. In Work in progress.

(2024). Mobile App Effectiveness in Marketing: Decoding the Engagement-Value-Chain. In Work in progress.

(2024). The Interplay of Micro-Level and Macro-Level Relationship Journeys. In Work in progress.

(2023). The Role of Pre-Ownership Salience in the Consumption of Pre-Owned Goods. In Work in progress.

(2022). Driving Mobile App User Engagement Through Gamification. In SSRN Electronic Journal.


(2022). Surveillance Concerns in the Internet of Things. In Working Paper.

(2022). Bridging Customer Experience Realities Through Human Digital Twins. In Work in progress.

(2022). Towards Human Digital Twins for Improving Customer Experience. In Internation Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).

Keynotes and Workshops

For booking requests, please reach out over the contact form below.


Bayesian Customer Analytics in Stan
Customer Engagement Stage Detection with Hidden Markov Models
R for Data Science (beginner or advanced level)


Customer Loyalty in the Digital Age - Approaches and Effectiveness
The Importance of Customer Analytics for the Value Creation of Firms
New Technologies in Marketing - Opportunities and Challenges
